One week of Twitter

February 15, 2010 at 12:53 pm (Comm 2322, Topic Of The Week) (, )

I was completely new to this Twitter when I started this project. Of course in the past I was used to Facebook and Myspace but Twitter was a new experience for me. However, Twitter proved to be a completely different encounter for me. I found myself completely lost and overwhelmed at first with all the unfamiliar language and lingo. For example, it took me a little while to understand what all the hash-tags and @ symbols really meant. But after I got over getting used to it I could really understand its value.

In this week of Twitter I followed all the members in my class along with the provided list of public relations professionals. Following my classmates allowed gave me a glimpse of their lives apart from the classroom. I was able to witness what interested them, what they valued, and what they did with their time. In fact, I was able to discover that several classmates participated in many of the same activities that I do. I may never have realized this information without twitter. Following the pr professionals allowed me into get a brief understanding of the real world of public relations. I saw what they were focused on accomplishing and the methods they using. I also found several interesting articles they shared with us. Following the links to their own personal blogs provided me with even more great information.

The interaction level of twitter is much higher than that of Myspace or even Facebook. In fact, its fundamental purpose is to allow you to share your thoughts, views, or even activities with the world not just a certain group of “friends” you may have. This is very valuable from a public relations standpoint. This allows companies and PR representatives to interact with not individuals on a more personal level.


  1. rob G. said,

    Hey Jared,

    I liked how you approached the topic on twitter. Twitter is really a new thing to me as well. I had started one some time back and just couldn’t really get into it. Taking this class has opened up my eyes to many of the possibilities and advantages to using twitter. I think it is extremely interactive where as some other sites hound you with things you don’t care about, Twitter allows you to focus in on the people and organizations that matter to you. I also enjoy reading peoples’ “tweets,” it’s always interesting to learn about someone by reading their opinions and views on many different aspects of life in 140 words or less. I enjoyed your blog and I hope you put some more material out soon.

  2. Blog Comments for PR Comm 2322 « Rob Goetsch Jr said,

    […] title: One week of twitter […]

  3. Top Ten List « Jared Coats's Blog said,

    […] can be used as a powerful social media outlet, even more so than facebook or myspace. Check out a blog post on mine about twitter for more […]

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